2024.02.16 >> SKF: Introducing this year’s live visuals. #visual+print
The truth is that this year turned out a bit differently for the Siketfajd project than I expected, but more on that later. The big plan for this year was to max out the analog-digital-analog-digital transformation or journey. So, I had planned to make a booklet for every concert out of the videos I wanted to play, and during the concert, by applying all kinds of effects and cameras, I would have turned the once-digital, then analog materials back into digital ones (and this would have been a cycle: for the next concert, I would have re-digitalized the analogized digital recordings, and then analogized the digitalized recordings, HÖHÖ MINDFUCK 🙂 ). Returning to the original thought, this year turned out that several times the timing wasn’t right, we couldn’t do projections, Szabi decided he wanted fewer concerts, and now, on top of that, Czitrom has quit. (Actually I’m writing this post in October.)